Taking care of your lawn the easy way
Real Estate & Around the House

Taking Care Of Your Lawn The Easy Ways

May 30, 2021

Who doesn’t want their lawn to look pretty and clean? And healthy lawns are actually beneficial to the environment and play a great role in everyone’s health.

But the problem is taking care of the lawn is tiring and time-consuming, not everyone has spare time or energy to do that. Between taking care of the family, working most of the time, and other house chores, it is very difficult to find the time to take care of the lawn even during the holidays.

If you’ve been facing this struggle for a long time and still want to beautify your lawn, don’t worry, I have some easy solutions for you. Follow these tips to make sure your law is in top condition as easily as possible.

Removed weeds, moss and thatch

So, we’re not going to do anything crazy here that may take a lot of time, money, and energy. This article is about doing the basics of taking care of your lawn to make sure it’s taken care of. The best way to do that is by removing weeds, moss, and thatch.

They can appear anywhere on your lawn and there are so many of them. If you let them grow and do whatever they want, your lawn will be overwhelmed by them, and it will be a pain to remove. So you got to start now and remove weeds, moss, and thatch regularly.

The trick is to pull out the whole weed along with its roots. If you don’t pull out the roots, they will grow again soon. You can do it by hand or using a tool. Or you can use a low toxicity herbicide to get rid of numerous weeds quickly.

Thatch can build up between the leaves and the soil. You won’t notice it at first until it’s too late. If the ground feels spongy, then there’s thatch under your feet. You can use a rake to remove thatch.

Mosses are the worst enemy. They should be removed immediately by using a rake. Mosses could also be a sign that your lawn has poor drainage and high quantities of thatch.


This may sound bad at first, but over-seeding is one of the easiest solutions to protect your lawn from weeds, thatch, and moss. First, your lawn must be scarified, mowed, and watered. Next, cover your whole lawn with large quantities of seed mixed with fertilizer. Put more seeds in thinning and damaged areas.

Don’t forget to water your lawn every day to keep it moist and promote germination. It is recommended to do the whole process annually.


Your lawn needs water to maintain its health. You can water your lawn in the late evening or early morning, depending on which time is best for you. The ideal would be either between 10 pm until midnight or between 8 AM until 9AM.

How much water you need is going to depend on the grass species, heat, lawn health, and soil conditions. Cool-season grasses such as bluegrass, fescues, and ryegrass would need 1-1.5 inches of water per week.

Drought-resistant grasses such as blue grass and buffalo grass could last for weeks without water, even during the summer. After figuring out how much water you need, next find out the best way to spread it evenly between sessions.

Mowing and edging

The classic way to take care of your lawn is by mowing and edging. It is to mow the lawn nowadays. Just make sure to remove one-third of the grass on your lawn. The frequency would depend on the time of year and weather conditions. Also, do not mow your lawn when the grass is wet as you could damage the lawn and prevent healthy growth.

You won’t need to mow your lawn often during the cold season, especially during frost. In contrast, you need to do it regularly during the summer, as the grass will begin to grow quicker.

A healthy lawn equals a better environment

Without a doubt, maintaining the lawn is very important for the environment and the people who live in the house. Maintaining your lawn isn’t really as difficult as some people think. If you do it regularly, your lawn will be healthy and maintenance will only get easier and easier.

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